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Why Dating Should Be Work

Have you ever tried really hard to ensure he has a good time with you… Hoping it would make him more serious about you? It doesn’t work. At least, not very well. It doesn’t work because the desire to have fun is not the same thing as the desire to commit. They come...

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How to Keep Worry from Capsizing a Date

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You may be waiting for a moment that’s never going to come. Remember the big finale in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? Kate Hudson thinks the entire romance has been a lie. Heartbroken, she’s on her way out of town. And then McConaughey realizes he loves her. He goes...

The Recipe for an Amazing Intimate Connection

The Recipe for an Amazing Intimate Connection

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Discover What Men Secret Want

There is a deep-seated “Gap” in communication that very few women (or men) understand. It’s the #1 reason why men pull away. To be truly irresistible to a man, you MUST understand this gap, and the way feelings of love get confused and entangled in a man’s mind.

I have read the entire program. Last night I decided I had nothing to lose and texted him the 12-word magic text. He replied this morning apologizing for missing my text last night. I replied using “Rachel’s” template. It was almost the exact word for word exchange.

I was completely stunned! We finally connected this evening and talked for 40 minutes on the phone. He didn’t declare his love for me but we haven’t spoken since the night we broke up in March! He sounded relaxed and happy. I have no idea what will happen from here but it’s definitely a “foot in the door”.

I’m truly grateful for your program. It makes so much sense! Thank you!! 
