Ready To Understand Men
Discover the secret to connecting with a man so that he opens up his true self, the part that’s reserved only for you, and builds an unbreakable bond of intimacy that will last a lifetime.
When to Say I Love You
You’ve been dating a guy for a few months when he shows up at your door with a small silver bag. After kissing you hello, he hands it to you and closely...
Can Asking Questions Make Him Fall in Love?
Ever heard of the 36 questions that make people fall in love? These questions took the internet by storm in 2015, but most people don’t know much about them....
He Says He Doesn’t Want a Relationship
You love him. You’d do anything for him. He knows that. So why is he telling you that he doesn’t want a relationship? It’s not the right time, he’s not in the...
Do Guys Move Too Fast? Slow It Down
Zoey opened up her online dating app to see the message: “Send pics.” She was mystified. What ever happened to hello? She took a look at the man who was...
14 Days to Becoming Irresistible
There's a secret to attracting men who love you for you. Most women don't get this for one simple reason.
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Am I Too Picky with Guys?
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How to Stop Being “Too Nice” to Men
Ellie knew what her problem was in dating: She was too nice. She kept exchanging messages even when she was no longer interested. She said yes every time a man asked her out, because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She had long conversations where she listened...
Dating and the Big 5 Personal Traits
Carla found the romantic hero of her dreams. He was dark and brooding. He would show up unexpectedly and sweep her away on a surprise date, not telling her where they were going until they got there. Zachary had a quick temper, which Carla didn’t like, but he was also...
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Weird Online Dating Mysteries Answered
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The Art of Asking Great First Date Questions
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When He’s Slow To Text You Back
You sent him a text this morning. Nothing important. You were just checking in. But now it’s noon. You still haven’t heard from him. He should be off on his lunch break. Even if he was super-busy all morning, he always checks his phone at lunch. So you send another...
How to Spot (and Attract) a Genuine Romantic
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More Than Friends? When to Worry about Another Woman
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The Secret to a Successful Date
I want to get your take on something… Who is responsible for the success of a date? He is. You are. You’re both equally responsible. Got your answer? It probably seems pretty obvious to you. But for me all three of those options hold a little truth. No matter which...
Discover What Men Secret Want
There is a deep-seated “Gap” in communication that very few women (or men) understand. It’s the #1 reason why men pull away. To be truly irresistible to a man, you MUST understand this gap, and the way feelings of love get confused and entangled in a man’s mind.
I have read the entire program. Last night I decided I had nothing to lose and texted him the 12-word magic text. He replied this morning apologizing for missing my text last night. I replied using “Rachel’s” template. It was almost the exact word for word exchange.
I was completely stunned! We finally connected this evening and talked for 40 minutes on the phone. He didn’t declare his love for me but we haven’t spoken since the night we broke up in March! He sounded relaxed and happy. I have no idea what will happen from here but it’s definitely a “foot in the door”.
I’m truly grateful for your program. It makes so much sense! Thank you!!