Become His Secret Obsession
Discover the secret to connecting with a man so that he opens up his true self, the part that’s reserved only for you, and builds an unbreakable bond of intimacy that will last a lifetime.
Discover attraction, dating, commitment, heartache, healing and ex back guidance for any relationship.
No Man Could Ever Fall For Me
Linda was tired. She was in her mid-fifties and didn’t look like she used to. Her face, her hair, her twenty pounds of extra weight… made her wonder what any...
A Guy’s Secret Fear
I’m going to share a rather big secret. It’s one of those secrets men aren’t going to tell you. It’s TOO personal. It gets at the core of what makes us...
Text with Confidence
You stare at your phone… And a cold feeling settles into your gut. You re-read his text again. Is he mad at you for something? Is this supposed to be funny?...
His Texts Are So Confusing!
You pick up your phone and see a text from a guy you really liked who ghosted you last year. Is it an apology? Nope. Is it an explanation? Nope. It’s a “hey”...
14 Days to Becoming Irresistible
There's a secret to attracting men who love you for you. Most women don't get this for one simple reason.
Enter your email to discover the truth in our FREE 14 Days to Becoming Irresistible email series.
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Does He Deserve to Be Inside Your Circle of Trust?
Should you trust him? It’s a Catch 22. If you do trust him, you’re opening yourself up to getting hurt or betrayed. If you don’t trust him, you’ll never gain true intimacy. Has this ever happened to you? You trusted someone who shouldn’t have been trusted… Then...
Will He Come Back?
You remember, don’t you, all those times you felt so close to him that time stood still. There was no one else in the world. Just you and him. Love wrapping you in a cocoon of happiness. There was only one thing you needed for it to be perfect: The knowledge that this...
Why is He Emotionally Unavailable?
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The Narcissist Test: 13 Questions That Reveal If You’re Dating a Narcissist
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Questions to Ask a Guy: The Rapid Intimacy Tool
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The 5 Things Your Relationship Needs To Thrive
Do you know what you need from a relationship? A relationship that doesn’t meet your basic needs isn’t going to work over the long term (though it may be fun in the short-term!). But that begs the question… What ARE your basic needs? Do you know? A popular exercise...
How Couple Rituals Keep You Together
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How to Spot an Energy Vampire
Everyone loves vampires. Correction: we love FICTIONAL vampires. We love vampires as long as we know they’re not going to show up in our homes to drink our blood. 😉 Vampires are all the rage right now in the world of fiction. But how did the idea of vampires find...
I have read the entire program. Last night I decided I had nothing to lose and texted him the 12-word magic text. He replied this morning apologizing for missing my text last night. I replied using “Rachel’s” template. It was almost the exact word for word exchange.
I was completely stunned! We finally connected this evening and talked for 40 minutes on the phone. He didn’t declare his love for me but we haven’t spoken since the night we broke up in March! He sounded relaxed and happy. I have no idea what will happen from here but it’s definitely a “foot in the door”.
I’m truly grateful for your program. It makes so much sense! Thank you!!
14 Days to Becoming Irresistible
There’s a secret to attracting men who love you for you. Most women don’t get this for one simple reason. Enter your email to discover the truth in our FREE 14 Days to Becoming Irresistible email series.