Become His Secret Obsession

Discover the secret to connecting with a man so that he opens up his true self, the part that’s reserved only for you, and builds an unbreakable bond of intimacy that will last a lifetime.


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He Won’t Talk About Marriage

He Won’t Talk About Marriage

“I just can’t give anymore, James,” she told me. “I don’t know what to do.” Marissa had come to me with a request. She wanted to get married. She and her guy...

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The Secret Need That Drives Men

The Secret Need That Drives Men

Some of my clients tell me that they already know how to deal with men. “You’ve got to train a man like you train a dog,” they say. “Ignore his bad behavior...

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3 Signs He’s Not Over His Ex

3 Signs He’s Not Over His Ex

“James!” Kelli threw her bag on the floor and flung herself into the chair. “I knew it! I found the evidence.” “What evidence?” I asked. “He still has...

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14 Days to Becoming Irresistible

There's a secret to attracting men who love you for you. Most women don't get this for one simple reason.

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Which is Better for Your Love Life: Being Cautious or Optimistic?

Scarlett and Aaron were going to have an amazing life together. She knew it in her bones. She’d never had a relationship this good. And she knew—even if Aaron didn’t—that he’d never had it this good, either. The problem was that he was pretending. Pretending he wasn’t...

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Use Your “Happiness Compass” to Get the Life You Want

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I have read the entire program. Last night I decided I had nothing to lose and texted him the 12-word magic text. He replied this morning apologizing for missing my text last night. I replied using “Rachel’s” template. It was almost the exact word for word exchange.

I was completely stunned! We finally connected this evening and talked for 40 minutes on the phone. He didn’t declare his love for me but we haven’t spoken since the night we broke up in March! He sounded relaxed and happy. I have no idea what will happen from here but it’s definitely a “foot in the door”.

I’m truly grateful for your program. It makes so much sense! Thank you!! 


14 Days to Becoming Irresistible

There’s a secret to attracting men who love you for you. Most women don’t get this for one simple reason. Enter your email to discover the truth in our FREE 14 Days to Becoming Irresistible email series.

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