How to Let Your Hair Down in Front of a Man

Would you rather be the “cool chick” or the silly one? For many women, there’s no contest. Cool rules. It all goes back to the halls of high school, where many of us learned how relationships work. Showing any emotion, whether shrieking with joy or bursting into...

What Marketing Can Teach You About Online Dating

Online dating is just marketing. Of course, I’m talking about the very first stage of interaction.  The stage where you grab a man’s attention. The better you are at marketing a product, the better you do. And in this case, the “product” is the opportunity to...

3 Ways to Be a Woman Unlike Any Other

It’s a mystery why men pick one woman to marry over all the others. Some men go through one amazing girlfriend after another. It never works out. Then one day he meets someone, and that’s it. He’s ready to pop the question. What makes her different from all the other...

Why a Bad Day Can Make You Hate Your Relationship

Two questions: How are you feeling right now? If you’re in a relationship, do you think you’ll be happy with your boyfriend in a year’s time? Most of us would assume these questions have nothing to do with one another. After all, how you feel at this very moment is...

3 Ingredients for a Spicy Relationship

Bad relationship advice is everywhere. Not too long ago, I read an article[i] in a well-known women’s magazine that was full of shady suggestions. Here’s one of the worst. The writer claimed you should never have to ask how to stoke the passion in your love life....

Do You Make This Online Dating Mistake?

I used to have this friend. He would initiate plans for us to hang out. But at the last minute a more exciting opportunity would come up. Something he thought sounded more exciting. Time after time, he ditched plans he already had with me or his other friends. Here’s...