It takes seven seconds to make a first impression.[i] You heard me right. Seven seconds. We size up other people in a fraction of the time it takes to brush our teeth! And first impressions are powerful. They’re so powerful that they rarely change. Basically, you get... Two questions: How are you feeling right now? If you’re in a relationship, do you think you’ll be happy with your boyfriend in a year’s time? Most of us would assume these questions have nothing to do with one another. After all, how you feel at this very moment is... Some couples look so good on Facebook. You know they’re happy. They post sweet little comments on each other’s pages. They’re snuggled tight in their profile pics. Each time they go off to the beach or the mountains, a photo slideshow pops up the next day. It’s enough... If a man you loved ended the relationship, does that say anything about you? Did you do something wrong to make it end? Did he see something in your personality that made him turn away? Your answers reveal how well you deal with rejection. That’s the word from a study... We are more vulnerable to being hurt by someone we love. Their opinion matters more. Their actions or disregard for our feelings can sting more deeply. That’s why you can find yourself in a fight that seems to last all day. The fight rages from the kitchen to the... People will judge you for trying hard. I did it just the other day. I was standing in line at Walmart. The line was moving slow, and I couldn’t help but notice something. Walmart had invested in 30 cash registers, yet only two of them were open. I snickered at how...
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