James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week The Best Way to Let Him Know You Love Him Many women fear being too needy or clingy. You worry about pushing away a great guy. You can avoid this by learning how to speak your man’s love language. Finding out which of the... If he’s mentioned an interest to you in passing… “What was that ________ you were talking about? I wanted to check it out.” Examples: “What was that Netflix show you were talking about? I wanted to check it out.” “What was that restaurant you were talking about? I... “I’m bored and feeling juvenile. Want to play Never Have I Ever?” This one is potentially a bit risky because it assumes a certain level of intimacy. But if he bites, you have a built in excuse to reveal things that might otherwise be too forward or flirty. Plus, you... “My resolution this year is to _______. Would you be willing to pester me if I slack off? I’d really appreciate it.” Particularly good for a man who likes to feel helpful, useful, and in... “What was the name of that _______ (restaurant, museum, movie) you mentioned the other day?” The beauty here is that you’re keeping it casual and asking a simple question. But it’s also a sneaky way this could easily turn into a... After a really good interaction: “Thanks for earlier. I can’t remember last time I had such a good time.” This is a big pile of good. You’re complimenting him, reminding him of the fun you had, and confirming that it really was great for...
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