“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” Arthur Schopenhauer You don’t have to be a genius to be in a relationship. All you really need to do is try to love the other person and hope they love you back.... Good relationships are a balanced mix of time together and time apart. Too much of either and you’re headed for trouble. Yes, you can spend too much time together! Take Andrea and Michael, for example. They were inseparable. It had become a joke among their... It’s the standard line. Everyone’s heard it at least once, and most of us have actually said it. Sometimes it’s spoken with sincerity, and sometimes it’s just a lame attempt to let the other person down easy. Either way, it means the end of a... You can spend a lot of time with a guy who still lives in his mother’s basement. But a guy with a lot of energy and talent makes a better catch. Unfortunately, that kind of man is usually fairly busy. Lot’s of people (and companies) are competing for his... Apparently, Twitter and Facebook use can be hazardous to the health of your relationship. It wasn’t that long ago that a study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking announced Facebook increases the risk of cheating. According to the... Imagine a man and woman, cuddled close on a cold night in a rickety old cabin. The cabin has many flaws. It leaks heat during the night, bringing a chill into the air. You can solve this problem by patching up the cracks. Or you can solve this problem by maintaining a...
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