There are so many things in life you really want… But you don’t have. Like the perfect relationship. Or the perfect career. Or the perfect home. When clients come to me for help with getting what they want, I watch the pattern of their thoughts. Because everyone...
There’s probably a lot you expect from dating. Romance, for sure. Some ups and downs are a given. The occasional heartbreak. But let me ask you this. Do you expect dating to be fair? Recently, I’ve been visiting with my friend, Crystal. She’s single, and I couldn’t...
Dating is weird. In some ways, it seems so simple. Find someone you like and spend time with them. In other ways, it’s incredibly complex. Let’s explore one of those more complex elements. But first, a quick head’s up. You already know this stuff. Maybe you’ve...
Ever wondered why it’s so easy to flirt when you’re on vacation? Or why so many romances start in the summer? It all comes down to Playfulness. Relaxation, enjoyment, and endless stretches of free time create a magical environment for love to flourish. Which is...
I love it when I get asked: “How do you make someone like you?” It’s a fantastic question. Because we all want to be liked. We want to make friends, or win fans, or excel at networking. We want the social approval that smooths the way to success. But where the...
You’re loyal to what you like. Found the best coffee shop in town? Then that’s where you’re going for your caffeine hit. Got a certain band’s album on repeat? Then you’re going to see them in concert when they play in a city near you. You find the best lunch spot, or...
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