James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week
“What happens when you imagine ______?”
Fill in the blank with something you want to plant in his mind.
In order to answer the question, he first has to imagine the scenario with the two of you.
For example, “What happens when you imagine the two of us taking a week off to explore Rome together?”
Going through a rough patch? Or even a break up? Want to have him back in your arms?
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Discover the exact actions and words he needs to hear RIGHT NOW in order to desperately want a second chance with you.
What should be imagined by him and me? We are separating because someone 10 years younger then me has time to make him feel like a new, young and important man. I keep trying to think of something that can rank high then her. He is 60 and I’m 58 but she is 38. He is a physician and they work together.
This is so sad I feel for you but don’t worry all will be well in no time. Do things you like doing most
Don’t worry. Continue with life
I had someone that was 14 years older than me. I loved him dearly however he was a lier, not true to wanting a permanent relationship.
He ask me to married after we dated for 2 years. After that We lived together only because I thought we were getting married within that year. He kept making excuses, that’s when I found out he never divorced his wife.
He never was divorced from a marriage that he had been separated from wife over 20 years. I was hurt, mad, disappointed because I wanted to be married to him. We had fun, ww traveled, did alot of things.
Why the story became now we are still friends and we talk often. He Is sickly now.
I call one day and he said he was celebrating his 70th birthday.
I dawn on me WOW! I was dating someone 14 years older back then it didn’t matter.. I still care for him as friends but at my age. I still want to go places and do things, that he can’t or don’t want to do.
When I realize wow!! He is 70 and I am still in my 50s.
Not to be harsh but I was happy that we are only friends.
So I say, if it only fame of job status and money she wants him or both. What will she do when no longer there. You deserve to be treated with respect and a queen as you are. It’s his lost.
Get dressed up, love you, heal you, go to your favorite place the beach, mountains where ever and get you back. You will hurt, cry get angry that a part of healing it will past. Believe me I know.
Appreciate who you are.
I say this because I had to do this. I am still single but I am happy. Love me and travel.
I know I deserve better than a man that cheats and lies. Oh the cheating is another story but I know you can move on.
Take some classes, new hairstyle, new style in wardrobe, start exercising some other place they don’t go, he’s see something different in and about you.
Do it for yourself but he will notice a change.
How I know because now my friends tell me he misses me. He remembers times together and how I look amazing. We laughs about old time. he share with me he wished he has done right by me. He lost a great person.
I am stronger now, and i enjoy life. We can’t hold on to someone who don’t want to be held.
Hold your head up, even when you don’t want to.
What do I say when he has left for another woman. Talks to me everyday he’s on the road so I could say something but what when I don’t want him to be picturing the scenario with her. He is definitely sending mixed signals but I am still unsure if he will come back. Love him for life. Need him home safe in my arms but so unsure of how to make it happen
Hey, Jacky. Sounds like a tough situation.
If you haven’t already, please go through my course on winning back your ex. It’s designed to answer this kind of question in depth with a clear path to follow. The Relationship Rewrite Method
Thank you so much for real words!!! I could hug you.