He says you look beautiful tonight… But all you can remember is the last time you wore this outfit and the rude comment he made. He says he’s never loved you more than he does right now… But all you can remember is that time you argued and he said he regretted ever... Imagine this scenario. You wake up one morning feeling kind of crummy. You’ve got a slight fever, and your throat feels like sandpaper. Didn’t someone at the office have strep last week? Crap. You go to your doctor, fully expecting him to diagnose you with the... You’re hanging out with someone you really care about when it happens… You say the wrong thing. He goes silent. His jaw tightens. Tension floods the room. You’re desperately trying to think of a way to take it back when he stands up. “I gotta go. Catch you later.”... Have you ever tried to get excited about something you didn’t really want to do? A friend of mine is a runner. Recently I admitted I simply don’t like running enough to tackle the long distances she does, and what she said floored me. She said she doesn’t like to run,... People will judge you for trying hard. I did it just the other day. I was standing in line at Walmart. The line was moving slow, and I couldn’t help but notice something. Walmart had invested in 30 cash registers, yet only two of them were open. I snickered at how...
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