Why Do Guys Come On Strong Then Pull Away?

When Alyssa came into my office, she wasn’t the same woman I’d seen the week before. Her blond hair was limp and unwashed. She wasn’t wearing makeup. Her shoulders were slumped. “So, how’d your date go last week?” I asked. I knew she’d been looking forward to it. “It...

2 Strategies That Can Save the Day When He Pulls Away

He’s pulling away. You can feel it. It’s not just that he’s not contacting you as often. It’s the way he communicates. Almost as if he’s irritated by you. As if it’s a big effort to pick up his phone and text you back. It hurts. It hurts because you thought you had...

A Decision Flowchart: Three Options When Your Man Is Pulling Away

Should you pursue a man when he seems to be pulling away? Sometimes it’s hard to know. So I’ve created a decision flowchart to help you decide. When you really like a guy, giving up just feels wrong. Especially if both of you have invested a lot in the relationship....

A Curious Reason Explains Why Some Men Pull Away

There’s not a woman alive it hasn’t happened to. You think it’s going so well— Until he pulls back. He stops calling. He doesn’t reply to your texts. You have no idea where his attention has gone. If you’re lucky, he shows up one day, acting as if nothing happened....