It seemed so promising. You were thrilled when this guy you met online asked for your mobile number. Although you’re careful about giving out your number (after some bad experiences with unwanted pictures), this guy seemed genuine. His texts were funny, interesting,...
There’s a problem with online dating sites. It’s not that there aren’t enough guys using them. Or even enough good guys. The problem is that it’s incredibly difficult to find the specific type of man you want. Luckily, there’s a powerful tool all online dating sites...
Online dating is just marketing. Of course, I’m talking about the very first stage of interaction. The stage where you grab a man’s attention. The better you are at marketing a product, the better you do. And in this case, the “product” is the opportunity to...
I used to have this friend. He would initiate plans for us to hang out. But at the last minute a more exciting opportunity would come up. Something he thought sounded more exciting. Time after time, he ditched plans he already had with me or his other friends. Here’s...
I have nothing against a cute headline for your dating profile. Just make sure your tagline, or sub headline, makes a statement rather than being generic. Focus on a single, compelling idea or “angle” rather than trying to cram your whole personality into...
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