He Blocked Me – What Now?

Things weren’t going great to begin with. Maybe you said something he disagreed with. Maybe you had a fight. Maybe he hadn’t been in contact and you just wanted to hear from him. You went to message him… And discovered you couldn’t. He’d blocked you. What do you do...

When He’s Slow To Text You Back

You sent him a text this morning. Nothing important. You were just checking in. But now it’s noon. You still haven’t heard from him. He should be off on his lunch break. Even if he was super-busy all morning, he always checks his phone at lunch. So you send another...

Flaky Behavior in Guys? My top Solution

Think of the last guy who really flaked on you. What did he do? Didn’t text/call you back. Disappeared on you. Didn’t show up for a date. These days, it’s common for someone to vanish off the face of the earth, whether it’s ghosting (in which he disappears for good)...

Bounce Back with Better Self-talk

Think of your last REALLY BAD dating experience. The guy who arrived at your dinner date … only to confess he’d already eaten. The guy who vanished into thin air while you were freshening up in the bathroom. The guy who failed to mention he was married. The guy who...