This guy seems okay. You’re not sure about him, but he’s nice enough. The conversation was good. If he asked you, you’d probably see him again. But after you go home from your date, you check your phone… And nothing. Tomorrow … still nothing. He doesn’t contact you... You know exactly how to ace a first date. But you’re not exactly swimming with invitations. You meet men you like, but they’re content to “see you around” or bump into you sometime. Most don’t even ask for your phone number. Dates have gone out of style. They’re too... When you go on a first date, so many questions run through your head. Will he like me? Will I like him? What if we have nothing to say to each other? What if I say the wrong thing? Those questions keep circling in your mind, making you feel sick with worry. How am I... There’s nothing worse than making all the effort to get dressed up and go out… Only to sit across the table from someone who can’t carry on a conversation. You’re the one asking the questions. You’re the one filling in the silences. You’re the one carrying on a... You had a great time. He was fun. You had tons to talk about. You laughed like crazy. The date stretched on for hours. You’re sure he likes you—and the feeling is mutual. But as you walk towards the parking lot together, you start to feel nervous. Goodbyes always make...
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