This Is What Guys Really Care About

What does your guy value more than passion? Do you know? The answer may surprise you. Passion is pretty powerful. Men and women alike feel drawn to it. All of us want a life filled with passionate moments. But there are things that matter to us even more than passion....

When He Doesn’t Want All the Love You Have to Give

There’s nothing worse than knowing you have a big heart… A heart that any man would be privileged to cherish… And yet feeling that men don’t want your love. If you’ve ever felt like that, let me share with you a story I sometimes tell my clients. You’re standing in a...

How to Go From Casual Dating to a Serious Relationship

Do you know what a “relationship bomb” is? Even if you’ve never heard that phrase, you’ve probably dealt with a few. A relationship bomb is a situation where things could easily blow up in your face. Here’s a common relationship bomb: the dreaded...

The Simple Mind Hack that Can Change the Way You Date

How do you feel about dating? Depending on when you’re asked that question, your answer might change dramatically. That’s because dating is a mix of wildly different experiences. Sometimes it’s fun, like a first kiss. Sometimes it’s intense,...