Why is he doing this? He’s still calling and texting you, even though he’s the one who broke up with you. He said he didn’t want a relationship. So why is he acting as if you’re still in one? Could it be that he’s missing you? Does he regret breaking up with you? Does... I’ve heard this story so many times. A guy really likes a girl, so he tries to come up with reasons to talk to her. He starts showing up in the same places she frequents. He strikes up little conversations with her. He builds up the courage to ask her out. Then, out... “Once guys get to know me, they always leave.” “I can’t let down my guard. I’ll say the wrong thing and push him away.” “It’s risky to let a guy into my life. What if he sees the real me and runs?” I wish I had a dime for every time a woman has told me she can’t... It’s tough when women come into my office suffering from a recently-ended relationship. They want to get over it, they want to move on and meet someone new, but the pain of loss keeps tripping them up. I admire these women greatly. They’ve gone through a terrible... You remember, don’t you, all those times you felt so close to him that time stood still. There was no one else in the world. Just you and him. Love wrapping you in a cocoon of happiness. There was only one thing you needed for it to be perfect: The knowledge that this...
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