I’m often asked whether it is possible for love to be rekindled. If a man lost interest, can he fall for you all over again? I’m happy to reassure my clients that yes, it’s possible! Couples get back together all the time. A YouGov poll of 22,000 Americans found that...
When things go wrong with a guy… How often do you think to yourself, “It’s all my fault”? You feel like you did something wrong. You must have accidentally pushed him away. Or maybe you didn’t do something that you were supposed to do. You didn’t say the right thing,...
As you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot of tears in my office. Love is an emotional topic. Some of the hardest moments happen during breakups. My clients tell me it hurts so much they can hardly breathe. They can’t bear it. They don’t know what to do. Should they beg him...
I’m sometimes asked whether I think the No Contact Rule works. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the No Contact Rule refers to ceasing all contact with your ex for about 30 days after a breakup. You don’t text, you don’t comment on his posts, you don’t ask...
“Oh, James. I really messed it up.” Olivia was sitting in my office with her head in her hands. When she and her boyfriend broke up last month, she thought she’d handled it well. She kept her feelings under control. They had a mature conversation and parted on...
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