The Negativity Bias That Brings Down Relationships

He says you look beautiful tonight… But all you can remember is the last time you wore this outfit and the rude comment he made. He says he’s never loved you more than he does right now… But all you can remember is that time you argued and he said he regretted ever...

How to Get Over Your Ex Faster (and Move on to the Right Guy)

How to Get Over Your Ex Faster (and Move on to the Right Guy) Moving on after you break up with someone isn’t rocket science. Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you: it takes time. But this can be frustrating. Especially if you want to get back out there and find someone....

The Best Way to Move on After a Breakup

I’m going to start by apologizing. I’m asking you to think about something you probably don’t want to think about. Breaking up. Breakups are no fun. Even if you were the one to pull the plug on the relationship, it sucks to go from being a couple to being alone. And...

Use this Force field on Your Ex

If a man you loved ended the relationship, does that say anything about you? Did you do something wrong to make it end? Did he see something in your personality that made him turn away? Your answers reveal how well you deal with rejection. That’s the word from a study...

Getting Unstuck

You want to spend more time with him. He says he loves you and wants to spend more time with you too. But he’s not making any adjustments to his schedule. No matter how many times you talk to him about it, the situation doesn’t change. The problem appears...