Before You Text Your Boyfriend, Read This

Here are a few things I have learned about texting as a relationship coach. 1.You should not make decisions or write those decisions in a text message when you are upset. 2.You should be VERY slow to respond to text messages when you are angry. 3.Your own mood will...

How To Give Your Guy Feedback Without Getting Into Arguments

What does the term “feedback” mean to you? If you’re like most people, you think of it as a tool for repair. You give your boyfriend feedback to fix something. Feedback is generally used as a method of telling people what they have done wrong and...

Let Me Love You

As you can probably imagine, I spend a fair amount of time absorbing the ideas and methods of other dating coaches. Some of their ideas are helpful, some I just flat-out disagree with. Generally speaking, I agree with the concept of putting your best foot forward and...

Your Man’s Hidden Agenda

We all have an agenda. An agenda is not necessarily a hidden, nefarious plan to get away with something at other people’s expense. An agenda is like a set of goals, or a plan for what we will try to achieve. Some researchers have proposed there is one basic...

My Smoldering Hot Fantasy

Okay, I admit I’ve done some weird things in my life, but most of them were in pursuit of knowledge as a dating coach. I remember when a friend of mine dared me to dial a phone number, 1-800 FAT GIRLS (328-4457). This was ten years ago, so I have no idea what...

How Friends Can Help Or Harm Your Dating Life

Imagine a private conversation between the man you are dating and his closest friend. It’s a conversation never meant to reach your ears. Your boyfriend is discussing both the good and the bad of his experience with you so far. “Don’t get me wrong, I...