Don’t Take This Well-Meaning Advice

Sometimes, people who want to make you happy give you really bad advice. For example… It’s frustrating to watch someone you care about agonize over a guy who doesn’t even know she exists. Her unreciprocated love doesn’t just make her suffer; it makes everyone around...

How to Use Mind Control to Get the Relationship You Want

Have you ever seen a “mentalist” perform? Mentalists are stage magicians who specialize in “mind control” tricks. Here’s an example. The mentalist asks you to think of a number. While you’re thinking, he writes a number down on a clipboard right in front of you, but...

Don’t Let a Noisy Setting Kill Your Connection with a Guy

You smile at a cute guy across the room. He saunters over. And you start talking. Things are going great… Until the music starts blaring. Making talking impossible. And the lights dim. Making it hard to see each other. People dance, bumping into you. Which is...

The Magical Moment That Tells Him You’re Like No One Else

It happens in every relationship. You say something, and there’s an awkward silence. Tension descends. Something’s wrong. You don’t know what. He looks away. His mouth is tight. Fear hits you in the gut. You’re losing him! You can’t let that happen. What you do next...

The Two Principles for Less Awkward Small Talk

You’re out and about. You see a guy you’re interested in. You get his attention with welcoming body language. He approaches. Introductions occur. There’s a nervous, excited vibe between the two of you. But what follows is just… nothing. Silence. Because neither of you...

Attract Your Perfect Mate Using Nothing More than Your Expectations

Everyone says, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” But what if that’s backwards? What if you can’t see something until you believe it’s possible? Let me give you an example. Every day, men smile at women they’d secretly love to get to know better. Women smile back,...