3 Myths About Single Life That Keep You From Being Happy

Everyone knows it’s hard being single. It’s lonely, you keep putting yourself up for rejection, and it often feels as though all the good men are already taken. But what if you looked at single life from a different angle? That’s where two of the world’s most...

How to Embrace The Problems in Your Relationship

You’ve felt it, haven’t you? The nagging suspicion that you’ll never be completely satisfied with your love life? You’re right. You won’t ever find everything you’re looking for . . . if you’re lucky. Buckle up and I’ll explain why that’s a good thing. Imagine a set...

What To Do When Your Guy Lets You Down

Alaya remembered when she first started dating her husband. She had to leave for a week on a trip, and he did the most romantic thing. He loaded up his iPod with a special playlist and sent it with her. She never forgot the song that opened the playlist. It was a man...

Early-Stage Relationships: When to Quit. When to Persevere.

Are you the kind of person who gives up on new relationships a little too early? Or do you find that you stick with a less-than-ideal guy a little too long? Most of us tend to err on one side or the other. Which side do you lean toward? Fair warning, though. We’re...

The Secret to Instant Sex Appeal

Would you rather look sexier or feel sexier? What if you could have BOTH? You can. And no matter if you’re currently single or happily dating, the effect on your love life can be profoundly positive. There are many ways to feel sexier.  But...

A Curious Reason Explains Why Some Men Pull Away

There’s not a woman alive it hasn’t happened to. You think it’s going so well— Until he pulls back. He stops calling. He doesn’t reply to your texts. You have no idea where his attention has gone. If you’re lucky, he shows up one day, acting as if nothing happened....