My Friend Breathes Music

Do you have this superpower? My friend is a social worker with a difficult job working on the inpatient unit of a mental health hospital. She has a forty-minute commute to work each day. I was talking with her about an audiobook I was listening to while driving to my...

Be Brave

Hey its James.  I hope this post will inspire you to take one simple action…exercise. If the effects of physical exercise could be bottled and sold in the form of a pill, sales of that pill would exceed all other medications combined.  Physical...

How To Make Affirmations Work

It’s no secret. Confidence helps in the world of dating and romance. If you feel confident about how you look, you will be more playful, relaxed, and attractive. If you feel confident about your value as a human being, you will bring warmth and genuine presence...

A Dating Lesson From Sir Lancelot: A Method For Winning Hearts

It’s both a love story and an action movie.  Richard Gere’s portrayal of Lancelot was fantastic, and the pain you feel for King Arthur (played by Sean Connery)  is only matched by the longing to see Guinevere and Lancelot give in to the heart-pounding lust...

How to ACTUALLY be an easy breezy cover girl

To tell you the truth, I’m not exactly sure what that means.  What is an “easy breezy cover girl?”  I certainly don’t want you to be “easy,” because that is a turnoff to guys that are looking for a real commitment. ...