Have you ever wondered why stores use prices like $99.99? Why not just sell the same pair of shoes for an even $100? Ah, but you already know the answer. It’s a simple psychological trick. If the shoes cost less than $100, even by just a penny, they fall into a... Two people are on a first date. They barely know one another. They’re just feeling each other out. Let’s listen in: MAN: Yeah, I guess I like to keep active. My buddies do this flag football thing every weekend. WOMAN: That means no tackling, right? MAN: (laughs)... Imagine: The world has blown up. There are only two people left on Earth: You … and Mr. Dreamy. There’s no one else left. No rivals. No one thinner, prettier, or sexier. No one who’ll steal him from you. Do you fall in love and live happily ever after? It’s tempting... A friend has just gotten into a new relationship. What’s the one question you ask her to make sure she’s not tangled up with the wrong guy? “Are you happy?” Being happy. It’s the calling card of good relationships. If you’re with someone who’s good for you, then... Most of us spend our entire lives looking for love. Our youth is consumed by it. No matter how much our parents loved us, it’s not the kind of love we crave. Nothing can substitute for romantic love. Dating feels like heaven, except when it feels like hell. And yet…... You’ve probably noticed that happiness is a buzz word lately. There are all kinds of happiness studies going on. It’s suddenly the ‘it thing’ to talk about. Which kind of makes sense. Who doesn’t want to be happier? Here’s some of what we’ve figured out so far....
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