Has He Fallen Out of Love With You? How to Know

Has this ever happened to you? You’re in what you think is a great relationship. You instantly connected with him. Soon he was saying all the beautiful things: he’s never met anyone like you, he wants to be with you, he thinks he’s falling for you. This is how love...

3 Ways to Spot a Love Avoidant Person

You’re with a man who acts like he doesn’t care about you half the time. Some of the time, he’s amazing. He’s passionate. He’s romantic. But then he pulls away. He barely sees you. He acts preoccupied. What’s going on? You may have fallen for a Love Avoidant. How It...

3 Casual Dating Traps to Avoid

You thought you made it clear. You told him you wanted a relationship. And he agreed! He said he wanted a relationship, too. You believed him. But you’ve been seeing him for a while now, and you’re still not sure where this is going. He compliments you but never says...

Mistakes That Push Your Ex Further Away

Yes, you’ve broken up, but is a relationship ever REALLY over? You can toss out his sweatshirt, he can throw away the cards you gave him, but the memories you made together are not so easy to get rid of. He’ll never be able to see you as “just another woman.” In part...

Will You Be Happy with Him?

It’s the golden question. If scientists knew the answer to this question, it would change the romantic landscape for good. If scientists could figure out the answer, we’d have less divorce, fewer breakups, and more 50th wedding anniversaries. There’s a lot on the...