You wish you could do something special for him.
He works so hard, and you appreciate him so much.
You want to put a smile on his face, but you don’t always know how.
For men, small, thoughtful gestures can mean the world.
Here are five ways to make his day and remind him just how amazing he is.
1. Compliment him
When was the last time someone genuinely complimented him?
For many men, it’s been a while.
They can still recall the rare moments when someone said something kind about their appearance, even if it was years ago.
Whether it was a girl on the street shouting, “You’re cute!” or an elderly woman complimenting his eye color…
A co-worker saying he has nice arms or a date saying he looks good in blue…
These words stick with him.
He still thinks about that time someone said he had nice hair, or smelled good, or cleaned up well, or had great shoulders.
A simple, heartfelt compliment can mean the world to him, and he’ll carry it with him long after the moment has passed.
2. Hold him
Most couples know how important sex is to a relationship, but touch for its sake isn’t given enough credit.
Many men crave touch. It’s what they miss the most when they’re not in a relationship.
Boys often receive less affectionate touch than girls as they grow up. Back slaps and high-fives replace hugs and cuddles.
But we never grow out of the need for physical comfort.
Men just want to be held sometimes. They often enjoy the change of pace when they get to be the “little spoon.”
A hug, a gentle touch on the arm, or a back rub is grounding. It’s so warm, pleasant, and relaxing that he can turn his mind off.
It’s not just about the physical sensation; it’s also the emotional comfort that comes with it.
Being touched reassures him that he is safe, cared for, and worthy of love.
As one man explains, “For me, being hugged by a girl you’re dating or are close with is like getting permission to relax and be happy.”[1]
3. Surprise him
Think about how you feel when he surprises you unexpectedly with a token of his love.
You feel happy all day. You can’t stop smiling.
That’s how he feels when you slip a love note into his pocket, send a “thinking of you” text out of the blue, or have his favorite food waiting for him when he gets home.
But if your surprises have stopped surprising him, try this. Do something for him that he always does for you.
For example, if he’s always bought the flowers in your relationship, try giving him flowers for a change.
Many men confess to secretly enjoying flowers. They know they’re supposed to be the givers, not receivers, but they enjoy the sentiment just as much as you do.
4. Laugh at his jokes
Laughter costs nothing, and it never grows old.
He loves it when he can make you laugh.
Not only does it boost his ego, but he loves the look on your face when you’re cracking up. You’re so happy, and he made that happen.
The fact that you share his sense of humor makes him feel incredibly validated. He knows he’s with the right woman when the two of you find the same things funny.
Your laughter reassures him that it’s safe to let down his guard around you. You’re not turned off by the boy inside him. You like his goofy, uncensored side.
And if you can riff off his joke and banter with him? Gold.
5. Make a move on him
For men, feeling wanted is the one of the best feelings in the world.
It’s almost as good as feeling loved.
But men rarely get to sit back, relax, and enjoy feeling wanted, because they’re expected to take the lead.
Taking the lead can be anxiety-provoking, because they’re exposing themselves to possible rejection every time they make a move.
That’s why it means so much to him when you put the moves on him.
It’s a clear sign you’re interested and you want to be with him.
But remember, subtle hints might not be enough.
A bold move leaves no room for doubt, and it shows him just irresistible you find him.
As you can see, brightening his day doesn’t require grand gestures. It’s often the small, thoughtful actions that make the biggest impact.
Whether it’s giving him a compliment, wrapping your arms around him, surprising him with a token of your affection, laughing at his jokes, or making the first move, these simple yet meaningful efforts show him how much you care.
[1] @crionso, https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/otli70/women_what_are_some_questions_youve_always_wanted/
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