For many men, there was a moment when they knew their girlfriend was the one.
She had one specific trait that made her different from every other woman they’d been with.
Until they experienced it with her, they didn’t even realize what they were missing.
Now they don’t want to be with anyone else. The most beautiful woman in the world could stroll by, and they’d take one glance and think, “Nope, not interested.”
What is this game-changing trait?
And can you give it to the man in your life?
Absolutely! But first let’s see why so many women never give men what they secretly crave…
He’s Afraid of Falling
When you meet a new guy, your job is to figure out whether the two of you would make a great couple.
Dating involves a healthy dose of judgment. You need to be on the lookout for red flags, irritating traits, and potential problems. You don’t want to fall for someone you haven’t thoroughly vetted.
By the time you get into a relationship, though, you should have put any doubts to rest. You should feel fairly confident that this guy is an amazing human being. Otherwise, why would you be together?
For many men and women, this is the best time in a relationship. You both think the sun rises and sets on each other.
But then…
The magic wears off.
He’s no longer the sun and the moon. He’s just a guy who happens to be your boyfriend. You love him—of course you do—but you don’t really like everything about him.
I call this “The Fall.”
And every man is terrified of it.
The Fall is what happens when your new boyfriend falls from grace.
He’s now just one more part of your life you take for granted. You wish he weren’t so frustrating. You complain about him to your friends. Sometimes you even find him embarrassing.
Your relationship would be perfect if only you could change a few small things about him. And you try! But he resists.
Most guys are used to the Fall. But that doesn’t mean they like it.
They don’t know it’s possible not to fall—until they meet one exceptional woman.
Are You The Exception?
A guy knows when he’s taken the Fall.
He can feel those admiring glances stop. He notices you no longer treat him the same way. He can tell you get frustrated with him.
This is when he starts to reconsider the relationship.
He doesn’t want to be with someone who claims to love him but actually doesn’t like him very much.
Although all relationships go through a reality check, some relationships actually get stronger when the magic wears off.
You know each other better. You’re more realistic. You can be yourself around each other. You won’t be judged for acting silly or weird.
Your partner has shown they can handle your bad side, too. They’re not critical or mean. They’re loving and accepting even when you make a mistake.
Most men crave this kind of acceptance.
They yearn to be liked and accepted for all that they are.
They don’t believe they’ll ever find a woman who can do that…
Until they do.
Why Men Value Acceptance So Much
To understand why acceptance matters so much to men, you have to look at men’s experiences.
Most guys go through their days wearing a mask. The world is a competitive place. They’ve got to keep their guard up. They’ve got to be what other people want them to be.
They feel so much pressure in their everyday lives that they don’t want to feel that way with you.
They want to feel safe. They want to drop the mask. They want to feel liked for who they are rather than what they can do.
They want to be able to be goofy and say stupid things and not have you be offended.
Instead, they find that they’re often a disappointment to their girlfriend. She criticizes them or tries to improve them. They feel like they’re always letting her down.
But every so often…
A man meets that rare woman who thinks he’s fine exactly as he is.
She doesn’t need him to be anything he’s not. She doesn’t want anything from him. She just likes his company.
She’s careful with how she treats him. She doesn’t have super-high expectations. She never says, “If you loved me, you’d do this for me.”
He feels respected and trusted—not because she tries to give him respect, but because she genuinely likes him. You naturally respect and trust someone you like that much.
We’re all looking for a relationship that makes us feel that way.
Hold out for the exception in your own life, too. Someone who likes you just as much as they love you. Someone who never makes you feel like you’ve fallen from grace.
Do you have any articles on PTSD
My husband is retired from 35 years of military and law enforcement
We have been married 3 years
Hi Linda – Thanks for your comment and suggestion! Unfortunately I don’t think we currently have any material on PTSD in relationships but I have passed this subject on to James as your suggestion. Hopefully we can make something available for you soon as I can agree this would be extremely helpful to many.
Tracey T.