James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week
We all need to ask for a favor every now and then. Turns out, there are “dos and don’ts” to asking for help.
Whether you need a professional recommendation or a ride to the optometrist, you should ask your favor in a way that builds up the other person.
Whether it’s a big request or a small one – make them feel like a hero by following these steps:
Don’t sound desperate. Make your request an opportunity for them to invest in something worthwhile.
Do give them an out. “I know you are busy this week, so I understand if…” By recognizing they may be unable to help, the relationship won’t be strained.
Don’t offer a specific return favor, because this can make the relationship feel LESS intimate and trusting by making it feel transactional. “When it’s time for you to (blank)…please allow me to help you return the favor!”
Do show appreciation. This is the most important step! A handwritten note included with a gift card or invitation to something fun, letting the person know they “saved the day”.
It’s not enough to say, “Hey, I need this. Thanks!”
It’s important to the relationship that you ask kindly, give them an out, and then show appreciation in a tangible way.
All good advice. Common sense…I was taught to always be courteous and grateful.
I’ve missed you so much during this pandemic! So happy to have this in my inbox again!! Thank you!!