Today I want to inspire you to do something simple. It’s simple because it’s what you already do best.
But before I get to that I want to talk about the energy you bring to your relationship interactions. I’d like to challenge you to take responsibility for the energy you bring.
The term “responsible” is kind of heavy and not very fun. So maybe I’m not bringing the right energy to my writing today. Let me try again…
I’d like to challenge you to do more of what makes you awesome!
Relationships are wonderful things, yet they always have problems of one sort or another. Sometimes you can solve those problems quickly and easily, sometimes not. Either way, problems deserve some attention to see if they can be solved.
But… (and this is a big but)… You don’t want problem-solving to rob your relationship of the fun and joy it could otherwise have.
You see, in long-term relationships this is one of the big killers of passion and desire. Two people are drawn together by fun, attraction, and compatibility.
Then a few problems arise. As a result, one or both partners enter problem-solving mode. And that would be fine so long as you remember to exit the problem-solving mode when you’re not actively working on problems.
Why do you need to exit problem-solving mode?
Because it gets in the way of doing that simple thing I mentioned earlier. It gets in the way of doing what makes you awesome. And doing the things that make you awesome is what allows you to bring your best energy to relationship interactions.
Think about it. When a relationship problem has been frustrating you, do you still do all the things that make you wonderful to be around? Or do you shut down some of that positive energy?
If you’re like most people, you kind of hold back on positive energy when he’s not meeting all your needs. It’s kind of like a subconscious drive to punish him for not doing things right.
There’s a time and place for that, but consider the consequence of doing it all the time. The things that attracted him to you get suppressed. Many relationships end when neither partner can remember the last time they enjoyed each other’s company, and then conflict is piled on top of that equation.
So just remember the awesome equation. Every relationship improves when you add more of what makes you awesome. Balance problem-solving with a strong dose of positive energy. Doing so reflects faith that the relationship will endure and is worth enjoying even before you get every last problem squared away.
Always on your side,
its great guide advice.
I will put your message on my morning wake-up mirror.
Great message, thank you
Life is Choices. You don’t have to be mad, sad or explain Chose Again
We are on here because we are willing to invest in our Future Joy
Single or Not.Grow , Be Joyful and Grateful watch your Life Be Blessed ! Replace regrets with Dreams of your Future. Know you deserve a Partner not a Teenager
Rita, your positive mindset is powerful.
Helppp. He used to love how good I am at solving things and now its a problem, now its a bad thing. I don’t know how to get back to that place of love.
This is so true. We will always encounter problems in life. It’s how we handle them without having any of it affect our relationship as partners.
Thanks for the reminder to stay focused and to nurture our relationship.
I’m a man been reading these for some time to get a look at both sides
He’s right, I’m Mr. Fix-It. I’ve left the fun parts out of my relationship too many times
I like to take her by the hand and walk around the yard when she gets home from work, look at our flower beds and talk about her day
I retired at 40 now 55 she is 45 and still working by choice. I make time every day to spend some fun time with her before we enter our home if it’s a flower or a snowball
It really helps me I think
But I really work on me to be the right man then the right woman will come along
Thanks so much for sharing James. This post just gave me an eye opening that I should take into consideration.
Thanks again.
Me too, it just ‘hit’ me that this could be why all of my relationships fail! It’s kinda hard to admit that you’re the problem! But it’s true, I have been Ms Negative Pants!
I consistently find your ideas so refreshing!
Thank you, Sandy. Your comment boosted my happiness today. Thanks for being awesome.
My guy just told me he’d have a LOT less stress if he found someone “simpler” than I am. I said, “Omg YES, you WOULD!!! You could drive down a busy street, spit out your car window, and hit someone FAR less complicated than me! And you DESERVE someone as simple as you are, my darling!! Bonne chance!!”
But really, will he leave?…..pfffft
Good for you !! I loved your quick witted reply ????????????
Problem is that we haven’t solved the problem. But there’s a lot invested in this marriage. So now what? He left our home over 4 years ago. But we’ve been married over 40 years. And 18 children later. That are ours.
Thank you for all your relationship advice. I have been applying your suggestions to my marriage. However, I think I am the only one doing more for the happiness in the union. I have given up on my husband to contribute towards the joy; I am saving my marriage by myself. Thank you.
Well I guess I know how I screwed up! When you’re told you’re not wanted in the relationship, it’s very difficult doing as you’ve suggested. When you quit trying the marriage falls apart. If there is a next time, I will remember your advice!
That’s not the end. When they tell you that you switch your energy and do other things that makes you happy. Maybe hang out with friends, meet new people. Keep your vibe positive. They always come back at some point. Especially if you find someone quickly. Space brings them the opportunity to think about you. Always remember the good things of that person and then focus on that. Unless they cheat, anything else can be solved maybe not as quickly as we expect but it has solution.
Wow!! I hope he is still helping you and your children.
If I can capture his attention and get enough together time, I can easily be the awesome woman I was in the beginning. However, sometimes thats difficult to do when my man is in his “business focus” mode. I keep trying because when it does happen, its definitely worth it!
This is what I never learned in my marriage and now with my boyfriend it’s the same- if we are having some problem or I feel unsatisfeid and unhappy about him, I just can’t enjoy time with him as I should, there is always some shadow present which is covering my happy and positive energy, making me think- well, it’s just not as it should be with us, so why should I pretend I’m cheerful. And when he drive back home I feel sorry that I didn’t make more effort to have a great time with him.
Yeah, that’s exactly it, Sara. Leave yourself a weekly reminder that will prepare you to practice a new mindset.
Lucky you – keep it going!! Lorna (LaLa)
Broken hearted … just trying to get a grip on my life going forward …
Best thing you can do for that broken heart is focus on you and how YOU make yourself happy. It’s also very hard, but in the end, it will open your heart for the right guy. He’ll see your smile and confidence and look past everything else to see the real you. So, smile! It’ll all work out.
Thanks for sharing the happy news, Marsha!
Dear James,
I am writing to say how much I enjoy waking up to the generous amounts of positive energy I receive from you. Your writings are the first ones I read in the morning. Each time I am gently reminded what are the most important and valuable things in life. The energy shifts and I enjoy the amazing day. Thank you for the amazing day every day.
All the best,
Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂
Oh, I absolutely agree!! James’ articles are so insightful and give one food for thought – every time – and the replies are often just as good – it is wonderful to have that support system there for each other. Thank you, once again, from me, too, James. Over the months you have helped me so much to get my head around a lot of issues. Lorna (LaLa)
This is the first time I’ve commented on a post…I think. This was a great reminder to get back to basics! Before I read this blog, I had just left my boyfriend’s house so he could go to bed (he has a 7:30-4pm job. I’m a realtor so I stay up a ton later), and a little “talk” about if our relationship is heading towards marriage. It seems he’s not quite “ready.” Wants to buy a house (I
already have one), and be financially stable(he just started this job only 6 months ago and I just became a realtor in the last year or so and its been rough building up a clientele). I told him calmly and kindly, that I know he needs a lot of pushing, guiding and encouragenent with ANY transitions in his life…but my engagement is something I know I shouldn’t have to encourage a man to do. That I was going to be a little selfish with this one thing and hold out for how I think it should be. That it can be anything, as long as it’s NOT because it makes financial sense, it’s the next logical step, he “might as well,” ….blah blah blah. And that I don’t want to be “that girl” that nags him, makes obvious hints, tries to convince him…..then told him that’s all I was going to say about it! I’ve made a line in the sand that by summer, if we aren’t even on the track to move forward, after 2 1/2 years, we should know if marraige is the right thing. Esp being in our mid 30’s! And if its still up on the air,….well, that’s just as much of a “No, you’re not the one,” in my book as actually saying it. I feel good getting all that out. And now tying this into the blog……that’s really all I AM going to do or say! Now back to being the awesomeness that he fell in love with
Oh, I know – it is so difficult isn’t it? If you are a “doer” (the Little Red Hen) like me, you want to solve the problems, but can come on too strong, then they get scared and get cold feet, that sets you worrying – round and around it goes. James is right with this one. Do not forget to have some fun – but it is not easy when you are worried sick about one problem or another. Maybe we need to have lots of little boxes for the problems and a special big one for the happiness – deal with that particular problematical issue, put it into its box and shut that lid – then open the lid on the “happiness” box – until the next time. Easily said, but hard to remember in the event. It must be so hard when your “clock” is ticking. But it gets no easier for us olduns. I am 66 and he is 62, both divorced (him twice) and I think we are both terrified of making a mistake again. Why can’t we just be HAPPY? I wish you all the very best for the future – but don’t be too hasty in making your decision – again easier said than done. Lorna (LaLa)
Hasty? If I could live my life over the only thing I would do different would be to not hang on to a dream. I would nit have wasted so much time LIFE. Often times, we should remember the secret of Success IS KNOWING WHEN TO QUIT. We really are hanging on to the Dream of happily ever after when it is not the reality we want. You want a baby? Have or adopt one. Because 53% are single parents.
There are many children just waiting for love. I am a successful realtor for 48 years. I raised 3 girls in private school with less than $300 a month Total child support. Do not invest anymore time! If he doesn’t know what he wants after 2.5 years WALK
Wow Amanda as I’m reading your story it’s like I’m reading my own story with a wee bit of difference. We’re both financially stable, him more than I am but I never make that his burden. After almost 2 years of relationship with this person, lately he’s coming up with everything that’s wrong with us and with me and he’ll be the one to call off our relationship only to comeback like nothing happened so many times. I totally ignored him and if he called it’s just like a warden checking in. So yes I still love him but I love myself more to be just a passing fancy. My heart is hurting yet I know it’s going to heal because of the love I’ll poured on myself and everyone else that really appreciate and cherish me. So my dear one, be grateful as I’m grateful that I had a relationship that taught us a wonderful lesson of love. No worries your road to another adventure will be a lot to your desires and blessings. Take care.
Extremely good advice! Thank you. Needed to hear this.
Thank you I needed to hear this I really didn’t know what to do