
I just wanted to say thanks for all the info I have purchased and your e-mail. ! They have been very helpful. And have started using them on a person I have been seeing. It has helped. I don’t know if he is the one yet. But it has helped me understand him better.

And I’m not as frustrated and crying like I was. I’m back to my jovial self. Which people have always noticed in me. Through a lot of bad times I always had a smile. .so now I’m back on track.

Thanks again.



You are helping me redirect my energies on what I should be doing, instead of what they have done. I appreciate you in a way I cannot express because I have not lasted past 4 years in relationship. I have been lucky to have LOVED so much but just not long term. I tend to focus on the emotions and not telling him how I feel and learning to do this is making a huge difference.

My ex was always on the defensive because I used my hurt to break him down from hurting me and this is not productive, only destroys it. Thank you……Thank you.




You’re the best…you are the most sincere and right on of all of the coaches…thank you for this email most of all…it gave me a lift hearing your feelings on the subject of ‘talking’ and how men appreciate not having to have constant conversation and how it makes them feel more intimate.

Thanks again!


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