Why Rushing a Relationship Decreases Your Enjoyment

Jessica is busy. She has a chaotic job, often requiring hours of overtime. She rushes frantically from meeting to meeting, always just barely pulling it off. Somehow, she juggles that with family, outings with friends, daily workouts, and (most recently) …dating. When...

#1 Reason Why Men Pull Away

It’s a painful experience to be deeply connected with a man, only to find him pulling away and losing interest. Have you ever been with a man who seemed to really like you, only to begin distancing himself and saying he really wasn’t ready for a...

How To Create Your Own Luck In Relationships

Getting lucky in love is easy. You just need to know how to bend the odds in your favor. As a dating and relationship coach, that’s what I teach my clients to do. Getting lucky with men can happen the same way some people get lucky with money. The secret is...

Facebook Encourages Cheating?

Apparently, Twitter and Facebook use can be hazardous to the health of your relationship. It wasn’t that long ago that a study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking announced Facebook increases the risk of cheating. According to the...

How to Spot an Emotionally Mature Man

Your intuition will be your guide to recognizing an emotionally mature man. Many women make the mistake of ignoring their intuition when they meet an attractive guy who shows interest in them. If you have not already enhanced your intuition with my course on intuition...