When You Don’t Feel Loved Enough in Your Relationship

Most of us spend our entire lives looking for love. Our youth is consumed by it. No matter how much our parents loved us, it’s not the kind of love we crave. Nothing can substitute for romantic love. Dating feels like heaven, except when it feels like hell. And yet…...

The Magical Moment That Tells Him You’re Like No One Else

It happens in every relationship. You say something, and there’s an awkward silence. Tension descends. Something’s wrong. You don’t know what. He looks away. His mouth is tight. Fear hits you in the gut. You’re losing him! You can’t let that happen. What you do next...

How to Achieve Dating Bliss

There’s a trick to being happy in dating. Actually, this trick works for any relationship at any stage. You can use it with your family, friends, coworkers, boss, and yes, your partner. If you learn how to do this one thing, I can promise you every relationship in...

Tempt Him Like a Bad Girl Without Being Bad

There’s a myth that men are attracted to bad girls. And they kind of are. I say “kind of” because the myth is both true and false. Guys are attracted to the idea of dating a bad girl. That part is absolutely true. Bad girls represent adventure, strength, and...