Do you consider your partner a friend? You should. Sometimes. The French philosopher Jean de la Bruyere once said, “Love and friendship exclude each other.” This is a deep topic. I mean, think about what the average dating relationship is like. There are similarities...
There are two schools of thought when it comes to dating. School #1 says: “It will happen when it happens.” Don’t force things. Trust that it’s all happening perfectly. Pay attention to your intuition and surrender the rest. School #2 says: “You’ve got to MAKE it...
So I’m no expert on romance novels marketed to women. (You probably could have guessed that, right?) But I have read a few because it’s related to work I do. For me, the most fascinating part has nothing to do with the budding romance that inevitably swings into full...
There’s nothing worse than knowing you have a big heart… A heart that any man would be privileged to cherish… And yet feeling that men don’t want your love. If you’ve ever felt like that, let me share with you a story I sometimes tell my clients. You’re standing in a...
Have you ever given thought to how much influence your man has over your life? Both day-to-day happiness, and your overall direction? His influence is profound. If you were a fan of the TV show The Office, you’ve seen a fictional version of this in action. By...
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