Be Friends with Your Man (Just Not All The Time)

Do you consider your partner a friend? You should. Sometimes. The French philosopher Jean de la Bruyere once said, “Love and friendship exclude each other.” This is a deep topic. I mean, think about what the average dating relationship is like. There are similarities...

Get Your Love Life Moving Faster by Setting Goals

There are two schools of thought when it comes to dating. School #1 says: “It will happen when it happens.” Don’t force things. Trust that it’s all happening perfectly. Pay attention to your intuition and surrender the rest. School #2 says: “You’ve got to MAKE it...

What Romance Novels Can Teach You about Real Relationships

So I’m no expert on romance novels marketed to women. (You probably could have guessed that, right?) But I have read a few because it’s related to work I do. For me, the most fascinating part has nothing to do with the budding romance that inevitably swings into full...

When He Doesn’t Want All the Love You Have to Give

There’s nothing worse than knowing you have a big heart… A heart that any man would be privileged to cherish… And yet feeling that men don’t want your love. If you’ve ever felt like that, let me share with you a story I sometimes tell my clients. You’re standing in a...

Getting Your Romance In Alignment with the Rest of Your Life

Have you ever given thought to how much influence your man has over your life? Both day-to-day happiness, and your overall direction? His influence is profound. If you were a fan of the TV show The Office, you’ve seen a fictional version of this in action. By...