Look For This Sign You’re Meant to Be

What’s the clearest sign you’re meant to be with a guy? For many women, it’s how they feel about him. The stronger your love, the stronger your conviction that you’re meant to be. But researchers who study lasting relationships find that love is necessary but not...

Want to Spot Mr. Right? Watch Out for Noise

Will you spot the love of your life at first sight? In today’s world, you almost HAVE to. You’ve only got a fraction of a second to swipe before it’s onto the next profile. If your dating instincts aren’t spot-on, you might pass over The One and never realize it....

3 Questions That Help You Know If He’s The One

It’s one of those questions I get asked all the time: “How do I know if he’s the one, James?” My clients want to know if this is as good as it gets. What if there’s someone out there who’s better? What if they’re wasting time with the wrong man when Mr. Right is still...

Am I Too Picky with Guys?

It’s one of the questions I get asked a lot: “Am I too picky with guys?” Have you ever wondered that? Are you worried you’ll run out of options if you keep turning down guys who are interested? Do you wonder whether you’re turning away guys who could have made you...

What a Cup of Coffee Can Tell You about Your Relationship Mistakes

Bernadette was frustrated. “I did everything right, James,” she said. “I made sure to soften my approach, I talked about my feelings, I avoided blaming him … but I still think I might have wrecked everything.” Bernadette had been wanting to talk to her boyfriend...