Is Something Bothering you?

He’s great. He’s better than 90% of the guys out there. You can think of a lot of things you like about him. He’s kind. He’s thoughtful. He’s funny. But… He’s not perfect. There’s this thing about him that annoys you. Maybe it’s that gross sound he makes when eating…...

3 Questions That Help You Know If He’s The One

It’s one of those questions I get asked all the time: “How do I know if he’s the one, James?” My clients want to know if this is as good as it gets. What if there’s someone out there who’s better? What if they’re wasting time with the wrong man when Mr. Right is still...

Is He The One?

There are two common reasons a woman asks this question. I can tell you a lot about your relationship depending on which reason is behind your question. It’s normal to get a pit-of-the-stomach nervous feeling when you think about committing your life to someone. Big...