How to Get Him on a Date

You know exactly how to ace a first date. But you’re not exactly swimming with invitations. You meet men you like, but they’re content to “see you around” or bump into you sometime. Most don’t even ask for your phone number. Dates have gone out of style. They’re too...

The Art of Asking Great First Date Questions

There’s nothing worse than making all the effort to get dressed up and go out… Only to sit across the table from someone who can’t carry on a conversation. You’re the one asking the questions. You’re the one filling in the silences. You’re the one carrying on a...

3 Communication Secrets to Boost Conversation Quality

Bethany will never forget the last meal out she had with the man she thought she was going to marry. They’d gone to their favorite Mexican restaurant, the scene of so many happy times. They ate in silence. She asked him how work was. He grunted. She asked him if he...

The Most Important Conversation Technique You’ll Ever Learn

“I can’t believe you did that.” Brenda sat, stunned. “I’m so mad at you!” “Why? Why do you have to control everything I do?” David replied. “I have a right to do things without checking in with you first.” “Then you shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship, Buster,...