This article is about building your social confidence and optimism. So you might find this next sentence a bit strange. It’s common for Buddhist monks to meditate on death. Specifically, their own death. Why would they do that? Well, Buddhists seek enlightenment, a... I like confident people. Especially when the source of their confidence is good social skills (rather than good looks, wealth, or accomplishments). Because, here’s the thing about a person who is socially adept… They can: make you feel good about yourself, help you... Do you instinctively know things about people the moment you meet them? Most people do. Because we pick up on nonverbal signals. I recently walked into a room of 13 people and immediately sensed something different about one of them. She was their leader. It was a... Do you compare yourself to other women? I know, dumb question. It’s hard not to. In fact, it’s perfectly natural. But here’s the problem. As a relationship consultant, I often see the negative impact it has on a woman’s social confidence. And that’s because we tend to... Ever heard of the “elevator pitch”? Here’s how it works. Business people and creative types (writers, inventors, consultants) run into someone important. Literally in an elevator. They need to tell them about their business. Or share the basic idea of their novel....
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