Layla thought this had potential. He was funny, he was hot, he had great dance moves, and his big brown eyes and soulful smile warmed her from the inside. But sometimes he did things that seemed super-insensitive. Like going off with his friends and forgetting to...
You’d think it would be so easy. If someone texts you, text them back. If someone calls you, call them back. If someone DMs you, message them back. So why, then, have so few men got the message? Angelika was sure her new love interest was ignoring her. She’d left him...
You’ve been holding something back from the guy you’re dating. You want him to like you. You don’t want to bring up any deal-breakers right when you’re getting to know each other. Maybe, if you wait just a little longer, he’ll be so into you that it won’t matter....
He did it again. That THING that annoys you. You know better than to talk to him about it. You’ve tried that. Nothing changes. So you keep your mouth shut. You’re going to be the bigger person. You’re going to take the high road. You’re not going to let it get to you....
Here’s something you may have noticed about guys: You can’t get a word in edgewise when you first start dating… And then you can’t get a word out of him for the next 20 years. Men get that they have to communicate to make a woman fall in love. But it’s almost as if...
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