If you spend even a little time reading up on what makes a relationship work, you’ll come across a lot of advice on improving communication. Happy couples have good communication, right? Well, yes. But are they happy because they have good communication, or do they... Men sometimes clam up. Try as hard as you want, there are times when it feels impossible to get your guy to talk. You’ve likely been there. You know something is bothering him. You’re sure of it. Maybe you know of a specific issue he’s dealing with,... 1. “Hey, have you seen that new show that came out about such and such?” It doesn’t matter if you have any interest in the latest show you saw advertised. The question is just a natural-sounding opening to a discussion of the TV shows he does... Hey, it’s James with a tip for the early phase of a dating relationship. “So, what do you do for fun?” It’s a question that usually comes a little while after, “What do you do for a living?” and, “Where are you from?”...
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