You love him. You’d do anything for him. He knows that. So why is he telling you that he doesn’t want a relationship? It’s not the right time, he’s not in the right space, he can’t commit to anyone right now. Lots of excuses, but nothing that satisfies you. You know... Jade came to me with a clear focus for what she wanted to work on. “I want to show my boyfriend that he can trust me,” she said. “He had a really toxic relationship with his ex, and now he says he’s scared of getting close to anyone else again. How can I help him get... Everyone thinks they know what makes a relationship work. Communication. Date nights. Never going to bed angry. All those things help. But they’re not enough. To have a happy relationship, you’ve got to be happy, he’s got to be happy, and you’ve got to feel like... You’ve read those relationship articles, right? The ones featured in magazines in checkout lines? They’re always about passion or keeping the spark alive or making your relationship magical. Would you like to know the truth about those articles? Sometimes they have... I love it when I get asked: “How do you make someone like you?” It’s a fantastic question. Because we all want to be liked. We want to make friends, or win fans, or excel at networking. We want the social approval that smooths the way to success. But where the...
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