Every day I see women who are smart, attractive, warm, engaging, ready and eager to find love… Except that they can’t meet anyone. Their dating life is a desert. They feel like they’re doing the work. They’ve put up online dating profiles. They invest good money in... Everyone has a “type.” The men you find attractive aren’t necessarily the same ones your best friend finds attractive. But if you take a group of men, chances are, you and your friends would agree on which are the most attractive of the bunch. That attractiveness... How far would you be willing to go to meet someone? There seems to be two schools of thought. The first says that you should always be yourself, no matter what. Don’t wear a lot of makeup, because if he doesn’t find the “real you” attractive, then he’s not worth... Is it better to be conventionally attractive… Or is it better to look interesting? I’ll tell you what I’ve noticed about the effect this has for women, but first, let me tell you about guys who have tested this idea. “Peacocking” is rooted in Mother Nature’s design... How do you make a lasting impression when you only get 60 seconds? That’s all the time it takes for people to start judging you. It’s an insanely short window. Take Jessica as an example. She’s single and interested in meeting someone new. So she goes out, mingles,...
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