For years, Maya and Liam were inseparable.
What started as a close friendship grew into something deeper. They shared everything: weekend adventures, work complaints, even their deepest fears.
One day, Maya was surprised to find their connection turning physical. When she woke up in bed with Liam’s arms around her, she realized he wasn’t just her best friend—he was the person she wanted to spend her life with.
But there was a catch.
Liam was in a long-distance relationship with someone else.
He claimed it wasn’t serious, but he didn’t break it off even after Maya asked. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, he said. He just wasn’t in the right place to see a future with anyone right now.
Maya didn’t want to push him, but she worried she was getting in too deep.
If she gave her whole heart to Liam, was she holding onto the promise of something real… or setting herself up for a fall?
Waiting in Limbo
When you have a magical connection with someone, it’s impossible to believe he doesn’t feel it, too.
Doesn’t he realize that a love like this doesn’t come along every day?
Why isn’t he grasping onto it with both hands?
His hesitation doesn’t make sense, but you can’t push him. You can’t demand a commitment from someone who’s said they’re not ready.
So what do you do?
Wait? Hope? Pray he’ll come to his senses?
There’s a better strategy:
Step back and focus on building the future you want—with or without him.
Understanding Why Men Hesitate
When you find yourself in a situation like Maya’s, you can’t help but feel hurt.
His hesitation feels like a rejection of you.
But for many men, it’s the opposite.
They hesitate because they value your friendship deeply and fear losing it.
Turning a friendship into a relationship is a huge gamble, and men are acutely aware of the risks.
Friendships have the potential to last a lifetime. There’s comfort in that stability.
But relationships only have two possible outcomes: either you end up staying together forever, or you break up…
And breaking up often mean losing each other for good.
He may not want to take that risk.
He’d rather hold on to the certainty of your friendship than take a chance on something that could end in heartbreak.
In his mind, staying friends is the safest way to keep you in his life forever.
The Pressure of Relationships
Another reason men may prefer to stay friends is because friendship doesn’t ask more from them than they’re ready to give.
Friends enjoy each other, then go back to their separate lives. They get all the benefits of a deep emotional connection without the demands, compromises, or complexities of a romantic relationship.
So when a man hesitates to turn a great friendship into something more, it’s not necessarily because he doesn’t think she’s good enough to be his partner.
It might be that he gets so much pleasure and joy from their friendship that he doesn’t want to give it up.
Right now, your friendship is a safe place for him. He can shrug off responsibilities and pressures and just be himself.
Stepping into a relationship would change that. You’d expect more from each other. You’d have to compromise, take each other’s needs into account, and figure out how merge your lives.
Why would he do that, when what you have right now is so good?
Imagine A Future Worth Fighting For
Now that you’ve peeked inside his head, it’s time for you to take a stand.
Where do you see your life in 5 years’ time?
Do you see yourself building a life with a committed partner?
Or would you be okay if you were still in limbo with him?
If you see yourself with a committed partner, then you need to set clear boundaries around this friendship so that you can invite in romance.
Tell him what you’ve been thinking about. You’ve been brainstorming about your future, and you’ve realized that it’s time you started getting serious about meeting someone.
You value his friendship deeply, and you want to keep him in your life forever. But it’s time to go back to just being friends like you used to be. No more acting like a couple. No more physical stuff.
You want a romantic partner in your life, and acting like he’s your boyfriend isn’t helping.
See how he responds.
If he genuinely wants to just be friends, he should be fine with that.
Then it’s up to you to establish better boundaries and get cracking on meeting a man who’s truly available for love.
The Ball Is In His Court
At this point, you’ve done everything you can.
You’ve respected his wishes, drawn your boundaries, and taken steps to move forward.
If he’s happy for you and supports your journey, you’ll know he wasn’t ready for a life with you.
But if he struggles to go back to being “just friends” or resists your decision to date others, it’s time to revisit the conversation.
You might say: “I’ve noticed things feel different between us since I started dating. Is there something you want to talk about?”
Ultimately, his choice is his to make, but your future is yours to create.
By taking charge of your life, you’ll find the partner who meets you with the same courage and commitment you bring to love.
Honestly, I have heard this so much that I really don’t believe it anymore. What you are basically saying is he wants his cake and eat it too.
All these ramblings about not wanting to loose you because ur such a good friend !! Really ? Are you for real ?
Tell him to go. Walk out the door. Honestly it isn’t worth all the hassle
We have platforms and media full of scammers now. All wanting it all. Why ?? Because you are telling women it’s ok , if he loves you he will come back ! Rubbish !
There are good men and bad men.
Good woman and bad women.
Find a good one. Take your time and get to know him. Not one who is supposedly in a long distance relationship! Most of them are. No commitment. Do what they like when they like. They don’t need to have staying power ! They know they can walk all over you.
For Gods sake my fellow women, wake up. We are being taken for a ride. We don’t need any to tell us that. We have feelings and emotions and we are very good at knowing what our gut is saying ! Usually it’s saying. Bullshit