James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week
“What’s your “go to” ________?”
A nice “getting to know you” question that’s quick and easy to answer over text and flexible enough to use for a variety of things.
What’s your “go to” restaurant?
What’s your “go to” song?
What’s your “go to” pick up line?
You can also make it more specific and potentially more meaningful by adding a qualifier to the question such as “…when you’re feeling sick?” or “…when you want to get pumped up?”
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Please help me. I’m in the process of losing my husband of 29 yrs together 26 yrs married. My world has been destroyed and I desperately long to have it back. Healed and healthy and full of love and commitment, compassion and forgiveness. Please help. I have paid several times but have not received anything except generic descriptions of things with out actually getting the things. Interested on the phrases section but want any and all help I can get.
How do I act, now that I’m talking with a great guy for the first time in my life at 61, after allowing myself to be emotionally, physically & mentally abused, until God healed me. But I never learned to deal with my emotions properly, & I’m frightened, because I know I need help or he will bolt the first time he sees me lose my calm. I need help
Marsha, you pose this question to him and ask for his help and understanding. As they say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Plus, it will activate his hero instinct if you give this to him as a mission for him to help you solve.