James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week
Go to, do, or make plans related to his interests.
Think about activities he participates in or recommendations he’s shared.
“This weekend I want to check out that state park you mentioned. What should I know?”
“Hey, I’m at that Korean place you like downtown. Any recommendations?”
Want him to feel emotionally closer to you? Try saying THIS (sponsored)
My boyfriend is into NASCAR. I used to watch the races back in the ’80s and early ’90s and then life got in the way. I have been trying to study up on the different drivers and when we can be together ( he drives long haul for one company and I drive for another company).
He must think I am interested in racing enough, that he got tickets for a race in Iowa in June. That tickles me to no end because I really do like car racing of all kinds.
I surprised my guy with a pair of tickets to wrestling. We went and had a blast. He never dreamed I’d want to do that of all things. We had a great time.
I got tickets for the band Kiss for my husband and I. I like the band but he LOVES them. We had a fantastic time and he was thrilled to see me having a good time right along with him.