Communication Problems With Guys

Now let me ask you, do you believe yourself to be a good communicator? Most women are good at communication, certainly when compared to their male counterparts. Yet as a dating coach, one of the most common issues I discuss with women is the frustration of...

Leverage vs. Brute Force in Dating

Modern society owes all of its success to the power of leverage. Regardless of your ethnic background, all of our ancestors started out hunting, fishing, or farming for their own little family or tribe. At some point, cultures became sophisticated enough with trade...

You: The Untold Story

A few months ago I was reading in my home office. As usual, it was psychology-oriented reading material. But the particular topic had to do with the unusual challenges faced by charitable organizations. Perhaps this comes as no surprise to you, but the author was...

Guys and Emotions: Why won’t he open up?

Lets talk about guys and emotions. Here are some insights you may find useful on this topic. Men have just as many emotions as women. Hard to believe right =) So why don’t they open up about their emotions? Why does everything have to be about the logic of the...

The #1 Method For Building Emotional Intimacy With A Man

Men put up a tough exterior, but inside they crave affirmation of their manliness. They crave respect. Men feel so strongly about respect and disrespect that the absence of it can end a relationship. Why have you never heard of this before? It’s because of...