James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Do something you know he enjoys. For example, hiking, swimming, cycling, watching his favorite TV show. Send a picture of the activity with the simple line: “This made me think of you.” While not a direct request to talk,... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Well, I took the plunge. I finally ______. And it was great/horrible. Taken any risks of your own lately? The types and level of risk you’re willing to take say a lot about who you are. Start by introducing a recent risk... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week I just had lunch with my mom, and it struck me how we both _______. That got me wondering who you feel closest to in your family. Talking about family helps you learn about each other. Seeing how he reacts will help you... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week The highlight of my day was _____. My low point was _______. How about you? Here’s a nice way to help him feel more a part of your daily life without a running commentary of every. Single. Thing. Plus, you’re providing a... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Tried any cool apps lately? I just got this one to see if it helps me _______. This question can open up quite a few conversation avenues: self-improvement goals, technology opinions, art/culture interests, or the ways you... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week I can’t believe I left my house without _____ today! I feel naked without it. Do you have anything like that you always take with you? Many of us have items we always carry on a daily basis. This is a casual way to learn...
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