It’s All His Fault

When everything goes wrong in your life, you know who to blame. It’s him.  ? If he had been more supportive when you came home and told him about the problem you were having at work, you wouldn’t have been so upset. You’d probably be having a nice evening right now....

How to Get Over the Shame of a Breakup

It’s tough when women come into my office suffering from a recently-ended relationship. They want to get over it, they want to move on and meet someone new, but the pain of loss keeps tripping them up. I admire these women greatly. They’ve gone through a terrible...

How to Soothe Rejection with Self-Compassion

If I could make a guess about you, I’d bet that you’re harder on yourself than anyone else. Am I right? You’re hard on yourself because being a good person matters to you. You want to be good at what you do. You want to be good to the people you love. You don’t want...

Bounce Back with Better Self-talk

Think of your last REALLY BAD dating experience. The guy who arrived at your dinner date … only to confess he’d already eaten. The guy who vanished into thin air while you were freshening up in the bathroom. The guy who failed to mention he was married. The guy who...

3 Strategies to Tame a Guy Who ALWAYS Has to Win

“He has to win at everything!” Damona was exasperated. “We can’t even go for a game of mini golf without his ‘gotta-win’ hat going on. It’s not even fun anymore. We go for a hike, he’s gotta pass everyone else on the trail. I keep telling him it’s not a race to the...

Are You Too Nice to Break Up with Him?

You’ve been dating for a while. He’s a good guy. A really good guy. He’s nice, your parents like him, he’s got a solid career, and he picks up after himself. What do you have to complain about? And yet… The thought of walking down the aisle with him fills your heart...