There are right ways and wrong ways to use online dating sites. The key is to remember they are just tools. Any tool can end up being a waste of time (or even damaging) if used in the wrong way. When handled correctly, tools can speed you to your goal. The right way... My friend accidentally sent a sip of Coke up her nasal passage. She was laughing too hard at Jeremy’s story. I bet you’ve had some lively conversations like this. Think about the most fun you ever had with a group of friends. Chances are, you and your... Imagine this. A guy walks up to you at a large social gathering at someone’s home. You don’t know him, but he introduces himself and seems nice enough. You get talking to him and he starts complimenting you. The first compliment is nice. You feel... Now in my last post we discussed the concept of propinquity. We talked about propinquity as an important variable to manipulate in your favor. In this post I’ll explain why it’s important to get very specific about the kinds of traits you want to find in... Now you might be wondering about that secret “P word”. It’s “Propinquity”. Propinquity is a term used by social psychologists to refer to the likelihood of interaction between two people. If you are very likely to interact with Jake several times each day, you have... A survey was done as men walked out of marriage license bureaus. These are the guys we most want to hear from. They are the men who fell head-over-heels in love…AND popped the question, “Will you marry me?” The survey asked why. Why did you ask this...
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