Everything was going great. Karen was happy. Really happy. Her relationship with Doug was three months old. They’d enjoyed a thrilling, fun period of getting to know each other, and that’s when the trouble started. “What’s the problem?” a... Love is a paradox. Those who are clearly on a quest to be loved end up weakened by their efforts. Their hearts are always on their sleeves. They’re dependent on others to make them feel whole. It’s a desperate way to live. But those who give love away... Granted, it sucks to get burned. You trusted someone, and they let you down. Maybe they cheated on you. Maybe they lied. Maybe they didn’t follow-through on a really important promise. It hurts. The temptation when that happens is to allow the experience to... Are your dates beginning to feel a little stale and predictable? It happens. Dinner and a movie is exciting the first time you share it with someone new, but it can become ho-hum after a while. So what do you do to inject some energy and passion into your dates? I... Nothing is better than falling in love. But…it’s not always in your best interest to be exclusive early in the relationship. Let me explain why. First, a quick story to illustrate something important. I received a letter from a division of the US military... The real power of love…well, if you’ve ever experienced it, I don’t need to explain. Inside, it can feel like you have discovered a well of eternal joy. Giving expression to that love can feel like the purpose of your life. You feel a powerful desire...
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