Dating is like a masquerade ball. You know the ones where everyone holds those masks on a stick? The identity of the ball-goers is a mystery. No one reveals their true face until they’re ready. Masks tell us a lot. They show us how a person wants to be perceived. And... Nearly two decades ago, Jack Nicholson handed generations of men a line that actually worked. “You make me want to be a better man,” he told Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets. It’s impossible not to respond to a line like that, if spoken honestly. Is there any greater... Smile. Make eye contact. Tilt your head toward him. Touch your hair. Touch him. Physical cues are important in getting a guy to pay attention to you. That’s not news. Head to any dating advice site. You’ll find tons of tips about the exact things I mention above. Or... There’s a trick to being happy in dating. Actually, this trick works for any relationship at any stage. You can use it with your family, friends, coworkers, boss, and yes, your partner. If you learn how to do this one thing, I can promise you every relationship in... You’re finally dating a guy who all your friends simply refer to as “a great catch.” He’s smart, funny, attractive and totally sane. But there is one problem—he’s a dad. Look, I know you have no problem with dads or kids. But this does complicate things. It... “I feel like I’m invisible when I’m around him.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a woman tell me something like that. You really like a guy. You want him to notice you. But when you’re near him, it’s like you’re part of the wallpaper. His eyes seem to pass...
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